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Spark Comic 32 - Reading Week



February 21st, 2012
Spark Comic #32 - Reading Week

Another week, another Spark Comic!

This week is Reading Week for me, where we get a week to study for our midterms, tests, projects, exams, etc. While I have a few projects to do, I don't have any tests or midterms of any sort right now so I'm pretty much free with some exception. Everytime I do get time off though, I make these hollow promises to myself that I'm going to learn or do something I've been putting off like making extra comics in advance... Only to be too lazy to actually go through with it on the time I get off. There are some exceptions, but that's what generally happens. This gets even worse during the summer break. For example, last summer I promised myself I'd look into getting better at programming and well... Okay, I guess I technically did since that's when I created and redesigned (with the help of a friend), but that wasn't what I wanted to get better at, though I'm glad I did improve on my webcoding. I wanted to better learn how to use Processing, Actionscript, and make another 2D Animation and all of those fell through. I find that I usually end up getting busy with one thing and I just lose the drive to learn the others. Last summer it was 3D modeling and animation. While I know a lot more now than I did back then, I'm still aware that I have much more to learn and- Whoops, I'm rambling aren't I?

As a way to interact with my small fanbase and spread awareness of Spark Comics' existance, I'm actually going to try and turn this Comic into a sort of meme. The following link will point you to a Deviant Art Page that will allow you to download a modified version of this comic that you can edit however you like (Notes and extra settings are included). I figure since the visuals are limited and non-specific, people can creatively edit it in their own way. Please, if you're interested in memes or just want to try editing this comic, click the link. All I ask is that you give me credit and that you use it respectfully and responsibly. :)

Spark Comic Meme: [link]

See you next comic! :)
Image size
2351x6166px 2.1 MB
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